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Thoemmes, F., Liao, W., & Jin, Z. The analysis of the regression-discontinuity design in R (in press). Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.
Moore, S., & Thoemmes, F. (in press). What is the Biological Reality of G x E Estimates? An Assessment of Bias in Developmental Models. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Kang, C., Thoemmes, F., & Lust, B. (in press). Effects of SES on Executive Attention in Malay–English bilingual children in Singapore. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
Ratner, K., Burrow, A., & Thoemmes, F. (2016). The Effects of Exposure to Objective Coherence on Perceived Meaning in Life: A Preregistered Direct Replication of Heintzelman, Trent, and King (2013). Royal Society Open Science, 3 (11).
Thoemmes, F., & Ong, A. (2016). A primer on inverse-probability-of-treatment weighting and marginal structural models. Emerging Adulthood, 4 (1), 40-59.
Thoemmes, F., & Mohan, K. (2015). Graphical representation of missing data problems. Structural Equation Modeling: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22 (4), 631-642.
Parker, P., Thoemmes, F., & Salmena-Aro, K. (2015). I wish I had (not) taken a gap-year? The psychological and attainment outcomes of different post-school pathways. Developmental Psychology, 51, 323-333.
Thoemmes, F. (2015). Empirical tests of directional dependence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39 (6), 560-569.
Thoemmes, F. (2015). M-bias, butterfly-bias, and embedded butterfly-bias: A comment on Ding and Miratrix. Journal of Causal Inference, 3 (2), 253-258.
Thoemmes, F. (2015). Reversing arrows in mediation models does not distinguish plausible models. Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 37 (4), 226-234.
Braver, S., Thoemmes, F., & Rosenthal, B. (2014). Cumulative meta-analysis and replicability. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(3), 333-342.
Thoemmes, F., & Rose, N. (2014). A cautious note on auxiliary variables that can increase bias in missing data problems. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49 (5), 443-459.
Mayer, A., Thoemmes, F., Rose, N., Steyer, R., & West, S.G. (2014). Theory and analysis of total, direct, and indirect causal effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49 (5), 425-442.
Jonkmann, K., Thoemmes, F., Lüdtke, O., & Trautwein, U. (2014). Personality trait development in young adulthood: The role of living arrangements. Developmental Psychology, 50(3), 683-698.
Tofighi, D., & Thoemmes, F. (2014). Single-level and multilevel mediation analysis. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 34(1), 93-119.
West, S., Cham, H., Thoemmes, F., Renneberg, B., Weiler, M., Schulze, J. (2014). Propensity scores for equating groups: Basic principles and application in clinical treatment outcome research. Journal of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, 82 (5), 906-915.
Mabry, L., Elliot, D., MacKinnon, D., Thoemmes, F., & Kuehl, K. (2013). Understanding the durability of a fire department wellness program. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37 (5), 693-702.
Zettler, I., Kramer, J., Thoemmes, F., Nagy, G., & Trautwein, U. (2013). Different types of universities and early career success: An exploratory investigation. (Welchen Einfluss hat der Besuch unterschiedlicher Hochschultypen auf den frühen beruflichen Erfolg? Eine explorative Untersuchung). Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 27 (1), 51-62.
Kramer, J., Zettler, I., Thoemmes, F., Nagy, G., & Trautwein, U. (2012). Do different types of universities constitute differential developmental milieus? A propensity score analysis of the effects of university attendance. (Stellen Hochschultypen differentielle Entwicklunsmilieus dar? Eine Propensity-Score-Analyse zu den Effekten des Hochschulbesuchs). Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 15(4), 847-874.
Finan, P., Tennen, H., Thoemmes, F., Zautra, A., & Davis, M. (2012). Ambulatory monitoring in the genetics of psychosomatic medicine. Psychsomatic Medicine, 74(4), 349-355.
Jackson, J., Thoemmes, F., Jonkmann, K., Lüdtke, O., & Trautwein, U. (2012). Military training and personality trait development: Does the military make the man or does the man make the military? Psychological Science, 23(3), 270-277.
Thoemmes, F., & Kim, E.S. (2011). A systematic review of propensity score methods in the social sciences. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46, 90-118.
Thoemmes, F. (2011). Comparison of selected causality theories. (Ausgewählte Kausalitätstheorien im Vergleich.) Das Gesundheitswesen, 73, 880-883.
Thoemmes, F., & West, S.G. (2011). The use of propensity scores for non-randomized designs with clustered data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46, 514-543.
Clemens, N., Shapiro, E., & Thoemmes, F. (2011). Improving the efficacy of first grade reading screening: An investigation of word identification fluency with other early literacy indicators. School Psychology Quarterly, 26(3), 231-244.
Liew, J., Johnson, A. Y., Smith, T. R., & Thoemmes, F. (2011). Parental expressivity, child physiological and behavioral regulation, and child adjustment: Testing a three-path mediation model. Early Education and Development, 22(4), 549-573.
West, S.G., & Thoemmes, F. (2010). Campbell’s and Rubin’s perspectives on causal Inference. Psychological Methods, 15(1), 18-37.
Thoemmes, F., Reiser, M.R., & MacKinnon, D.P. (2010). Power for complex meditational designs using Monte Carlo Methods. Structural Equation Modeling, 17(3), 510-534.
Hughes, J., Chen, Q., Thoemmes, F., & Kwok, O. (2010). An investigation of the relationship between retention in first grade and performance on high stakes tests in 3rd grade. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 32(2), 166-182.
MacKinnon, D.P., Elliot, D., Thoemmes, F., Kuehl, K., Moe, E., Goldberg, L., Lockhart Burrel, G., & Ranby, K. (2010). Long-term effects of a fire fighter social influence and motivational interviewing health promotion program: The PHLAME (Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: Alternative Models’ Effects) Program. American Journal of Public Health, 34(6), 695-706.
West, S.G., Thoemmes, F., & Wu, W. (2010). Book Review: Introduction to structural equation modeling: Using SPSS and AMOS, by Niels J. Blunch. Applied Psychological Measurement, 34(3), 211-213.
Thoemmes, F., West, S.G., & Hill, E. (2009). Abstract: A meta-analysis of randomized and quasi-experimental drug prevention programs. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 44 (6), 854.
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Conway, L. G., III., Thoemmes, F., Allison, A. M., Hands Towgood, K., Wagner, M. J., Davey, K., Salcido, A., Stovall, A. N., Dodds, D. P., Bongard, K, & Conway, K. R. (2008). Two ways to be complex and why they matter: Implications for attitude strength and lying. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 1029-1044.
Thoemmes, F. & Conway, L. (2007). Integrative complexity of 41 U.S. presidents. Political Psychology, 28, 193-226.
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Mabry, L., Elliot, D.L., Kuehl, K.S., Kuehl, H., Moe, E.L., Goldberg, L., DeFrancesco, C.A., MacKinnon, D.P., Favorite, K.C., & Thoemmes, F. (2014). Adult health education in the workplace: The adoption, benefits, and durability of PHLAME. Proceedings of the Ireland International Conference on Education, Dublin, IR.
Steiner, P. M., Kim, J.-S., & Thoemmes, F. (2013). Matching strategies for observational multilevel data. JSM Proceedings. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 5020-5032.
Burrel, G., Thoemmes, F., & MacKinnon, D.P. (2010). Graphical assessment of regression to the mean: The Galton Squeeze Plot. SAS GLOBAL USER FORUM 2010 Proceedings, 271.
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